Professional Membership
A one-year membership for career development professionals, counselors, and employers.
$45 / year

Exclusive Resources
Access a member-only directory,
monthly newsletter, and exclusive web-based resources that will expand your career development network and toolkit.
Member-Only Space
Develop your network and connect
with other career development practitioners through
LinkedIn and our members-only Facebook page.
Development Opportunities
Free monthly Career Cafés, a state-wide
Spring Conference, and additional networking events. Continuing education hours are available for all MichCDA professional development offerings. Members have access to recorded Career Café content and previous newsletters
Discounts & More!
Membership benefits include an
exclusive conference discount, waived Career Café fees, and free access to select NCDA webinars.
Professional Membership
Access to more resources, membership directory, career cafés, exclusive discounts, and more member-only content!